Here’s a list of books I’ve read and that had a real impact on me. I’m excited to share these recommendations with you and hope you find them as meaningful as I did.

1-The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe: How to Know What's Really Real in a World Increasingly Full of Fake

In a world saturated with misinformation and myths, The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe by Dr. Steven Novella and team offers a vital toolkit for navigating modern life’s complexities. Through critical thinking and scientific skepticism, they debunk myths, expose pseudoscience, and equip you to confront fallacies and conspiracy theories with clarity and confidence.

2-The Singularity Is Near

Ray Kurzweil’s ideas have always been a powerful source of inspiration for me, fueling my imagination and pushing me to think beyond the conventional boundaries of human potential. His vision of the future, where technology and biology seamlessly integrate to enhance and extend human life, resonates deeply with my own interests. I’m particularly captivated by the principles of transhumanism, which challenge us to explore the possibilities of transcending our physical and mental limitations through advanced technologies.

3-Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies

I’m intrigued by the work of Nick Bostrom, especially his contributions at the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford. His book, Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies, has become a landmark in discussions about the potential risks of AI. The book is widely recognized for its in-depth analysis of the challenges we face as we move closer to developing machines that might surpass human intelligence

4-Thinking Fast and Slow

Heuristics and biases are topics that I find particularly fascinating, The book offers profound insights into how our minds operate, highlighting the tension between our intuitive, quick-thinking processes and our more deliberate, analytical reasoning. It’s a must-read for anyone interested in understanding how we make decisions and how we can improve our thinking to avoid common errors.

5-The Code Breaker

If you’re familiar with CRISPR, this book is essential reading. If not, you should definitely check it out. The Code Breaker by Walter Isaacson tells the story of Jennifer Doudna, a pioneer in gene-editing technology, and explores how CRISPR is revolutionizing genetics. It’s a fascinating look at the science and the life of one of its key innovators.

6-Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education (and Why That's a Good Thing)

As an educator passionate about the transformative power of educational technology (EdTech), I am thrilled to recommend this book, it is a must-read for anyone invested in the future of learning, whether you’re a teacher, parent, or student navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of AI in education.

7-Push Turn Move

“Push Turn Move” is an absolute treasure for anyone passionate about synths and music technology. It’s not just a coffee-table book; it’s a masterpiece that beautifully merges art, design, and technology. Created by the incredibly talented Kim Bjørn, who lives and breathes design, this book is a testament to his deep love for music and innovation. Every page is a journey through the world of electronic music, enriched by interviews that reveal Kim’s unparalleled connections in the industry.

8-Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization

In Starry Messenger, Neil deGrasse Tyson uses a cosmic perspective to explore the pressing issues of our time—war, politics, religion, and more—encouraging a sense of unity through science and rationality. With insightful and eloquent prose, Tyson offers a refreshing outlook that reshapes our understanding of society and our place in the universe.